Comments (56)
What Knuckles would realistically do if anyone got inside the office

goofy ahh skins in game look like when relash

if you make a fnas 3 vs i made this for night guard/sonic (baldly cropped because idk how to crop the other side)
enough with the games smart guy... me, you, 1v1 in fnas VERSUS... at 9 pm.
I always thought the online multiplayer mode planned for FNaS : NG would've been really fun if it released, and now this shows up unexpectedly
when this releases I feel inclined to play the hell out of this game

This game uses public lacewing servers. If you are worried about the security and protection of these servers by default, read here: https://dark-wire.com/relay/help/Security.html
I personally try to secure these servers as much as I can, but if you do not feel safe playing this, that is completely understandable.
Five Nights at Sonic's VS. is a version of the original Five Nights at Sonic's designed as a multiplayer game to play with friends. This game has both public and private lobbies and even adds Golden Sonic. You can also unlock skins and powerups to use during the nights.
Choosing to play as Knuckles means you play as the guard. You must fend yourself against the other players from killing you using the doors, lights and cameras. Make it to 6 AM to beat the night and defeat the clones.
Choosing to play as the clones means your goal to make your way to Knuckles before the time strikes 6 AM. When the move timer hits 0, you must complete a minigame, different for all characters, in order to have a chance at moving forward. If you're able to successfully make it to Knuckles and give them a good jumpscare, you win!

Main Programmer/Director - @therealcreepy
Original Assets/Creator of FNaS - @TheCyVap (Please support him and his future projects!)
Additional Assets - @therealcreepy , @reed_, @Driftson
, @fishtunafish
, @CoryTheHedgehog
, @Kimiri
, @Lustre
, @cOo_hOo1
, @Jakizon
Testers - @BagelGabel , @oweebup
, @Lustre
, @TheSketch, @CoryTheHedgehog
, @fishtunafish
, @shadedAkumu, @Jakizon
, @Ice0tto
, @coo_hoo, @MoTee
Ideas - @Kimiri , @BagelGabel
, @oweebup
, @Lustre
, @TheSketch, @CoryTheHedgehog
, @fishtunafish
An especially big thanks to @shadedAkumu, she's given a lot of ideas that have really improved the game! (Especially the minigame movement idea.)
The original idea for this game was by @KirbyFaz98 and @MarioPlumber29
itch.io page: https://therealcreepy.itch.io/fnas-vs
#fangame #fnaf #horror #pointnclick #fnas #multiplayer
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed