Comments (387)

This game is gonna be awesome dude, Can't wait to see this remake!
*Thomas is watching the original version dying in a fire as he prepares to play the dehydrated version.*

"Thomas had never been this spooped before."

Hey, i Found a Easter Egg :D
Five Nights at Thomas's: Dehydrated
Helloooo, and welcome back to Thomas's Pizza Railway.
Experience 2015's Five Night's at Thomas's in a whole new light, with a completely remastered experience. All visuals and most of the audio have been recreated to bring them up to par for 2021. The games engine has also downgraded from Game Maker to Clickteam as part of the dehydration process.

Introducing: British mode.
If you grew up outside of the United States, chances are you knew Sir Topham Hat as the Fat Controller. British mode introduces four new phone calls featuring the voice of Ping69413 as the 'Fat Controller' and jfun300 as the 'Mum'.
"This game is a 3/10" - IShowSpeed
@peytonphile : Project director, Lead programmer and artist. (You sir have won the internet!)
@winsomeless + @SussLord
: Game Jolt API integration.
@DecimatedMickey : Texture work.
@Lillian_ : Music
@ping69413 : Leaking FNaTI.
@Nocturnum : Radiance lead.
The Guys: @TheGuys
@jfun300 : Original Concept, Voice actor, artist and Day 1 patching.
@SCRUBLORDGAMES : Ideas, Lore, moral support.
@kevcogaming : Being a kind man.
@ping69413 : Trailer production, Secondary artist, Voice acting and Bug fixing.
@djrocketpoodle : Voice actor.
Special thanks to @Danek360YT @SCRUBLORDGAMES and @KostaVesta
for helping out with testing!
Also thanks to @IvanRomer .
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor