Comments (33)
This game Is Amazing fr fr
So I just tackled FNAW Twisted Timeline and my thoughts on the game are that it's really good. I do feel like the gimmick of Luigi, although annoying, as long as it's not him repeatedly attacking you which he can do. The challenges were fun, and I wish there were more. Maybe make achievements out of them. My only gripe, if I really could give it, is that Endless mode, is a bit too long for the achievement. compared to the other endless mode I did where it actually was both challenging and actually fun to tackle (The Abandoned Factory Nevermore: Everafter). It was difficult, but I did achieve it. Now I probably could beat it, but with how long it takes, I can see how without the right strategy you'd get bored. But overall, I give it a solid praise. Though a funny thing happened when I randomly hit Night 1, I was bombarded by everyone as if they were on max mode. It was like Wario and the gang was like "oh, you want to start over? too bad, Wario's gonna go all out from the start!" It was hilarious, so I have to say... if you do fix it, at least have it at least happen once, but as a joke surprise.... Whether you beat night 1... or fail, it would then reset back to the normal night 1.
The first thing I noticed was that the game’s title was Twisted Timeline but the GameJolt page has THE Twisted Timeline. 0/10 do I need to say more? /j
The 1&2 method of switching from windowed to full screen is always welcome, the title screen and its music are well made.
I didn’t realise you had to press Enter in the cutscene at first, there could’ve been an indicator for that. I like the use of Toad’s Diary Music from FNaW 2, one of my personal favourite themes in this series. Night 1 was pretty good actually, I was able to quickly figure out Wario and Waluigi’s patterns and survive. Same on Night 2 with Mario. The cutscene before it tells us the factory was opened around in the late 90’s instead of 2004 like the original timeline, damn this timeline might be twisted idk guys.
I really like that after every night, it send you back to the title screen instead of shoving you into the next night, if I wanted to be super picky, the best choice is to give the player the choice between going back to the main menu or proceeding to the next night, but I’m not really asking for that lol.
The only thing I hate about the gameplay is when you start a night and Mario sometimes starts super close to you, forcing you to either not read the instructions or to read them too fast so it doesn’t sink in what to do for it. This happened prominently on Night 4, causing my first death by Peach. It didn’t feel fair at first.
Every cutscene is spelt like MLS_FNAW is doing it, every word is captilised for some reason
Luigi killed me at 5am in Night 4 despite me changing the cams over and over, I think if you switch them too fast, he'll respawn idk.
Eventually I figured out what to do for Peach, if she made a noise and didn’t instantly go away, turn on the hot temperature. But the way her mechanic was explained was so bad lmao. I got through the next few Nights, Night 6 I had around 31 power by the end I’m pretty sure and I ended the All Max Mode with 5 power.
My strat was to not immediately use the shock on Waluigi and especially not Wario, try to give it a few extra seconds but not enough to where they will kill you or move further like in Wario’s case. This is extremely important because if I used the shock quicker in the All Max Mode (which I beat on my first try btw), I would’ve died from the lack of shock power.
I was able to do the Endless Mode too on my first attempt but it was a lengthy ride. The only major problems I have is in the extras, the jumpscares are toggled by the numpad keys out of all things?!? The fuck? That’s like if I made it so that the cams are only able to be accessed by pressing F7 or some shit, it’s such a random and weird choice. It doesn’t help for laptop users either.
The only other problems are that if you enter the leaderboard menu after an attempt on Endless Mode, the thing that pops up after a run appears again and has your score from the previous run, mine being 1075 so that oversight was odd.
The three extra challenges were an alright addition, they only take a little extra time, the hardest was Identity Crisis and the other two were relatively okay in difficulty. The 69 easter egg is so stupid that it’s genius.
Overall, a pretty solid FNaW 1 remake with enough changes to be distinct. Despite the problems I had here and there it was a solid game. For Tartistion’s second ever FNaW game, this was some really good work on behalf of everyone involved!
Bonus: My thoughts on the prototype
Not much to say, Nights 1&2 are fairly easy to beat but I’m glad we got the game we did. The two doors from left and right plus Luigi starting in your office would’ve either been too much like FNaW 1 or just too silly to make sense lol. Luigi has some sick dances moves though in the office.
MAX MODE COMPLETE! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQvqznidwso
Woahhh this looks dope and AMAZING
Five Nights At Wario's: The Twisted Timeline 2.0
The Major Update For Twisted Timeline, Adds Some New Things And Improves A Lot Of Things, Feel Free To Report Bugs
Five Nights At Wario's: The Twisted Timeline 1.0
The Full Release, Feel Free To Report Bugs And Glitches
Twisted Timeline Prototype
An Old Prototype Version Of Twisted Timeline That Was Made About 5 Months Ago, it Contains 2 Fully Functional Nights
Game Soundtrack
A Twisted Timeline (Title Screen)
There Once Was A Man Named Wario, He And His Friend Waluigi Opened Up The Factory With Help From Investors And Hired Their Friends Mario, Luigi And Peach To Work For Them, After A Tragic Incident All 5 Ended Up Dead, 10 Years After That Day, An Unknown Company Reopened The Factory And A Man By The Name Of Richard Mcroy Was Hired To Work As A Night Guard, However When He Went There, He Found Wario And Co However They Did Not Look Normal And As It Turned Out, They Were Reanimated By A Strange Force As Vengeful Spirits, Determined To Find THE ONE
-Use The Many Devices In The Factory To Defend Yourself From The Spirits
-Survive Until Dawn
-Survive For 5 Nights And Escape The Factory Once And For All
-And More
This Is A Reimagining Of Fnaw 1 That I Have Been Wanting To Make For Some Time, The Story Is Almost The Exact Same.
Completion: 100%
@Tartiston6985 - Main Developer
@AVGE123 - Co-Director, Ideas
@FNaW_and_FNaTIEnjoyer - Beta Tester And Ideas
@Dperk - Composer, Beta Tester And Made The Logo
@Mrgameplay2498 - Beta Tester
@JustinWright1_dfed - Beta Tester And Composer
@Lol_dev - Beta Tester
@nottrtffan - Beta Tester
@jacko_gametime1245 - Beta Tester
@baharkolahi - Beta Tester
@joquisgamer - Beta Tester
@luihi-scp-Official - Beta Tester
@Nott-rebit - Beta Tester
@WwwWario - Creator Of Fnaw
Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed