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Friday Night Funkin': Demonic Duke-Out Demo

Version: 0.1.0almost 3 years ago

April Fool's Day 2022 Demo

Version: 0.1.0almost 3 years ago

When their encounter with Tabi ends in a deadly defeat, Boyfriend and Girlfriend find themselves in a different Hell from the one they know. After being brought to the Dark Lord himself, Davoth, they are confronted by a mysterious woman known as Vetar Maykr, daughter of the Dark Lord! Does Boyfriend have the bars to take on the daughter of evil itself? Or will all hell break loose?

Friday Night Funkin': Demonic Duke-Out was a mod for FNF based on DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods, focused on the original director's OC, Vetar Maykr, the daughter of Davoth. The mod would've included other characters from both DOOM and FNF, including Kosten (Vetar's brother), Tabi, Wren (An OC made by the later co-director that was put in the mod), and even Davoth himself. This demo was initially planned to have 2 songs and her first 2 phases. However, due to personal issues the lead animator was facing, only the 2nd phase was able to be completed, hence the demo only having phase 2 and 1 song.

The demo, known then as the "Lustful Demo," released on February 27th, 2022, the director's birthday. However, the demo recieved backlash due to Vetar's design. Sometime later, due to internal issues within the team, the original director left the team altogether, said team later agreeing on rebooting the mod and thus leading to Demonic Duke-Out being cancelled in favor of developing ARGENT ANNIHILATION, now lead by DDO's co-director.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mature Humor

So, with April Fool's Day having passed, and the comedy of Vetar Maykr being covered with memes having ruin its course, I've decided to upload the original demo for FNF: Demonic Duke-Out, for archival purposes.