Comments (12)
release date when
how to make me donload yo mod
1: Make a mod
2: make it popuklar
3: i've probably downloaded it already
Hi chat, we are cooking the 1.5 update :3
and for frostbite d-side it will be the trainers burning to a crisp
Hello! Your mod is srsly cool
i have ideas for xatus mechanic in both of his songs.
so the Physic Notes look like the normal notes but miscolored,if you hit them then xatu will lower your health by 99% so you are at the end of the healthbar
and for Insomnias Mechanic there will be a monster growl and if you miss an note until the growl ends it means game over
and for Amusia there will be insane modchart that makes your notes deformed like endless d-side
FNF Lullaby D-Sides
Game Soundtrack
This is the D-Side Version of Hypno's Lullaby! otherwise known as FNF Lullaby D-Sides
D-Sides is a Remix Mod of FNF that adds New Characters, Story, and Songs to the Base Game
We hope you Enjoy our mod!