
Comments (7)

What do you think?

how do you unlock triple trouble?

i wanna know pls dont do this to me after:(

pedaso de mod que se echaron , 10/10

Ta bueno el mod :V

lo conoci gracias a aiess


Friday Night Funkin' Vs THE GREAT PAPYRUS!! [FULL-WEEK]

Version: 0.2.5over 2 years ago

Challenge THE GREAT PAPYRUS into a Rap-Battle!!

After a lot of time, the Full week is finally here, ready to be played by you!

Originally this mod was just J-Bug's Papyrus Animation re-creation, but on this update i started to put my ideas so it becomes different.
i hope that you have fun this fun little project of mine (that took so long, holy).

---Source Code------

go ham :


Bunx Maker Director, Artist, Animator and Coder

Aiess Charter

Legogodzilla Composer

Special Thanks

Yamahearted & J-Bug Original Owners of "Bad to the Bone"

Toby Fox Creator of Undertale

#fnf #fridaynightfunkin #fnfmod #mod #undertale #papyrus

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

sans portrait has been remade
also some chart changes on Dating Fight, Entry Log and Bone Brothers