
Comments (5)

What do you think?

i accept that challenge

Me who can't beat The Original Foolhardy: This. Is. Perfect.

anybody beat the normal mode?

if you failed, you suck

i am making easy mode for all you noobs

time to beat this and spend like a day trying to beat this

a map edit of foolhardy aaah

Coming Soon: Normal and Easy mode for Foolhardy was something we never got.








lolol u guys like this-

i thought i made a shaggy one-

Oh yeah, forgot to mention.

My fanmade Normal and Easy modes are finished.

(n00b mode coming soon)

So the final part on my easy is harder than the final part on my normal

Cry about it.

Plus, I think y'all can do it.

(if you can't, comment and i will make a noob mode, lol)

If you can't run it in Client, download the .json file, and replace the normal foolhardy file in the game

this is just a map edit-

it will never change-