
Comments (2)

What do you think?

After Playing: WOW. That was way more eductational than I thought it was going to be. This kind of feels like you made this game for school. But nevertheless, this game has beautiful abstract, colorful graphics. The music is nice too. Good job!

wow im the first to comment. This is me before playing the game. From what I see this game looks interesting, and visually appealing.



Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago

Traverse seven randomly generated levels littered with hundreds of folded footnotes from Metagaming, a book by by Patrick LeMieux and Stephanie Boluk!

Metagaming is about the games we play with videogames. It's a book that encourages readers not only to play in, on, around, and through videogames but also to play the book itself. That's why there are a half dozen tiny games embedded within its pages.

Toward the end we write “reading this text, writing in the margins, dog-earing pages, and bending the spine or annotating online, sharing across servers, printing out passages, or loading on e-readers are all ways of metagaming Metagaming.” So what if you we made a game out of the book? What if you skipped the book and just read the footnotes?

Footnotes invites players to explore a series of procedurally generated worlds filled with 278 footnotes from Metagaming (available at most places were books are sold as well as free online at

"Footnotes is an exploration game that combines study and play, introducing players to nuggets of games academia . . . while wandering through colorful spaces." —Heather Alexandra, Kotaku

For Windows download and unzip, double or right click and open, then select more info and run anyway. For Mac download and unzip, right-click and open, then agree to open. For Linux download and unzip, right-click to open properties then permissions then check "Allow executing file as program." Inputs default to keyboard and Xbox 360 controller but can be edited in the launch window along with resolution and graphics settings.

Updated 10/07/18 9:00AM PST to add save and continue on the first playthrough!
Updated 10/06/18 5:30PM PST to correct Xbox 360 default mappings on Win.
Updated 10/06/18 10:00AM PST to add our names to the title screen!
Updated 10/05/18 7:40PM PST with some last minute fixes :)
Thanks to @regisRquoi for finding some bugs!

#action #adventure #other #metagame

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