Comments (4)
Dunno how should I rate it. For now, I'll put it on a 50:50 situation. 3/5. (People deserve the honest ratings.)
maby one day this might be multiy player!
dont get your hopes up though
Sounds like a great concept, its ok if its "bad" or whatever as long as you are proud of your work. Good luck, ill be looking out for this game.
my first game so dont be upset if its not the best.support and nice feadback will make this game posible.
the game is about a young boy who is facinated by the moon, hes longs to see it for himself up close. as his father you were told to make his every dream come true. driven by the power of love you make the difficult but amazing journy to retrive the moons treasure for your'e beloved son.
NOTE: this game will propably not be as amazing as it seems.do not be dissapionted if it sucks.
there WILL be a remake once i get better at programing