Found Footage: Lost Tapes
BETA 1.0:
-Functional multiplayer (Spacewar installation on Steam is recommended. Tutorial: Installing Spacewar)
-Game ending implemented.
-Dynamic footsteps added to enemies.
-Basic gameplay mechanics implemented (just enough to be playable).
Game Soundtrack
The Fashion Show - Alicks (trailer & credits song)
Tú, junto a tres amigos más, sois seleccionados por la compañía "The Complex" para recuperar unas cintas de antiguas personas que quedaron atrapadas en las Backrooms. Allí descubriréis qué es aquello que atormenta a todo el que queda atrapado.
You and three other friends have been selected by "The Complex" to recover tapes from past individuals who were trapped in the Backrooms. There, you will uncover what haunts everyone who gets lost inside.
#other #multiplayer #backrooms #horror #action #adventure #retro #survival #vhs
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Brief Nudity
Crass Humor
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