
Comments (1)

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Really nice graphics! I included it in my Ludum Dare 33 Compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Zombies have infested the town that you love to terrorize. It's not procedurally generated large enough for all of you.

The current goal in the Jam version is to seek out and kill all of the zombies. Zoom out and peek behind houses to find the last ones. The zombies like to hide in the houses. That's uh, emergent design, a feature, not a bug. Nope.

As you get hit you start to fall apart and lose some abilities, but keep running! It was intended that you reassemble yourself but I didn't work the bugs out in the last hours.

WASD = Move
Left Mouse = Attack
Right Mouse = Spin Attack
Space = Create new level
MouseWheel = zoom in/out
Secret Debug keys: lots

Unnecessary backstory: Your Frankengirl got home to see her house in flames (she just finished decorating), burned down by the villagers. She goes to the village to terrorize them but finds it crawling with all kinds of other monsters. That makes her doubly mad, that's her town to wreak havok in. Gotta show em who's boss.

Created in 72 hours for #LDJAM

The music and sounds are Royalty Free added for mood.
Horror Tale music from
Chainsaw sfx from


Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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