Comments (9)
It looks like an amazing game. I watched someone play part of it and I liked it a lot! Gave it 5 stars. Too bad I can't play it...
Would like to try out the game, unfortunately I don't have RPG Maker myself which is required to play.
Let me know if you update the game to no longer require RPG Maker to play.
You play as the one who enters a mysterious house on the edge of town. The game consist of mostly exploration and solving puzzles to progress through the game. The house has a mind of it's own and will play all sorts of mind bending tricks to throw you off. As you play you will discover notes that will help progress the plot. This game is estimated to be about 10-30 minutes long and contains no saving. You won't need to save.
Requires RPGmaker VX Ace RTP to run. If you never played a RPGmaker game before then you will need to install it. It is free. http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages Make sure you download the VX Ace version.
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed