
Comments (3)

What do you think?

En dan dacht ik alles gezien te hebben en dan krijgen we dit, net nu een ik bord friet met mayo en twee kroketten naar binnen heb gewerkt. Komt er ook nog een deel 2 met puddingbroodjes en Bossche bollen? En een nieuwjaars editie met oliebollen?
Je hebt het Nederlandse junkfood in ieder geval internationaal op de kaart gezet :P

Ik heb het spel nog niet gespeeld (Ik zit op mac), maar de shots zien er wel grappig uit.


Frikandel Breakout

Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago

For this assignment, we had to create Breakout/Arkanoid. This game is similar to Pong, where you have a moving ball that you need to hit back with a paddle, but the difference is is that there is only one player at the bottom of the screen and they must break blocks that are located on the upper-half of the screen.

The game was made for arcade machines, so it's not a very long game. You'll have beaten this game in under 20 minutes, most likely. I did try to make the game a little bit entertaining to play by basing it off of a supermarket, where you're an employee that has to sling sausages to hungry kids. This already gives the game a bit of character.

When the player first boots up the game, they'll see the title screen first. Because the game was made for an arcade machine, it says "Press White Button to Start" instead of "Press - or = to Start", which you'd need to do if you were playing this game on PC.
The title screen also gives a bit of the plot. You're an employee that is getting ready for work! But the sign outside says that there is a bonus on frikandelbroodjes(a type of sausage). Naturally, a lot of kids will want their hands on them now.

When you press start, you're taken into the game. You play as a white bear that must bounce a frikandelbroodje and feed all the hungry kids. You can move horizontally to keep the frikandel in the air. If the frikandel lands on the ground, you're fired and you lose.
Normally in these types of games, you must destroy the blocks but in this game you make the obstacles happy. The kids will start off hungry/angry and if the frikandel hits them they'll become happy instead of leaving/be destroyed. I thought the kids being happy fit more with the theme of the game than if they just disappeared outright.

If you make all the kids happy, you win and get paid (your character at least). Afterwards you're taken to the title screen to do it all over again and work hard another day.
The same thing happens if you let the frikandel hit the ground, except the game just ends early and you don't get paid.

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