Comments (6)
Such a playful and creative concept, thank you for this visual novel! Can't wait to play all the paths for my channel! https://youtu.be/tt5BeyLb3j4
Hello there! I played through your visual novel (without reading the description prior), and I must say that it made me chuckle - I knew there was fruit in the title of the game, but still.
I wrote a review about it on my blog, if you'd like to read it, you can find it here: https://xesh.eu/videogames/reviews/froot-basket-valentine/
Froot Basket Valentine
You find yourself in a bed at your school's infirmary. You remember nothing about yourself except your name and... that's pretty much it. On top of that, it's Valentine's Day, you've got an unlabeled box of chocolates sitting in your bag, and a few of your "friends" are here to see you. What in the world happened? Who are you? Who are these guys? And more importantly... Who are these chocolates for?!
Froot Basket Valentine takes place in a sort of progressive Japanese high school. I tried my very best to write the protagonist without using any gender-specific pronouns to test my writing skills. I hope it gives you warm, fuzzy, shoujo manga feelings~! Just don't get too comfortable with that vibe... All is not as it seems...
Partial voice-acting
Custom name protagonist
7 Love Interests(?)
7 CGs
15 endings w/ ending gallery
~10-15 minutes of gameplay per route
Spoopy mystery(?)
A healthy dose of fruits!
Story and Art xxmissarichanxx
Backgrounds mugenjohncel
Music TAM Music Factory, Kevin MacLeod
Fruit images do not belong to me. Click below for full credits.
Voice Cast | Casting by Very Berry Studios
Apollo | Dylan Ray Owen
Beau | Alain F. D'Regel
Momotarou | Nick Chang
Pierre | Brody Allen
Renji | Alex "H H" Lyles
Spine | A. J. Clover
Sutoro | Jesse Hawford
Cute Boy | Patrick Mealey
Lanky Boy | Hunter Peterson
Pretty Girl | Monica Piskor
Short-haired Girl | Phebe Fabacher
#horror #visualnovel #otomegame #fruits #valentine #valentinesday #romance #spoopy #mystery