Comments (4)
finished icon
Game Soundtrack
Boyfriend was watching Some Cartoon Network until
He gets sucks into the tv then he ends up in a white void
he sees kasen and everybody else boyfriend walks up to kasen and ask him to rap battle
everybody else thats when Monster Kevin heard loud
music nearby so he went to go investigate and he saw
kasen and boyfriend rap battling it just was the perfect time
for him to Rule the World by rap battling.........
will you help kasen and his friends to save the world?
by rap battling :l
Artist - @KTheStickman , @Guidia , @kirby_happi , @HivArts
Gacha Club Artist - @KTheStickman
Composer - @JoseBloxTM
Voice Actors - @KTheStickman , @Guidia , @JazzBoi , @JoseBloxTM
Charter - @SnowOnGamejolt
@ADA__ collab?????
#fnf #kaf