Comments (1)
Simple game, but seemingly well made. Not much direction though... I included it in my MultiJam Ultra 2015 compilation video series :)
Fusion Wa...okay, N-body gravity Star Fusion Simulation Game
Fly around! When your ship fires it's engines, it releases matter into an empty universe, and it will attract other matter in the universe, and when enough of it gets together, it turns into stars and starts fusing hydrogen!
When a star runs out of fuel it it dies depends on it's mass. But whoever contributed the most mass gets points for all the new elements it fuses.
OR - Work together, and try to create a type II supernova - the more mass in the star that goes supernova, the heavier the elements it will create...can you create Radon?, lots of this stuff doesn't quite work yet. But I will be working on this when I can, so it will totally work at some point, maybe, I hope :D