Comments (22)
That's very nice, but you should create more tracks and an option to add computer-controlled racers.
Eh. This could've been better. There's really no challenge or replayability factor. The only thing that seems to inhibit me is accidentally going offroad, which reduces my speed. What this game needs is some obstacles or competition. However, I really like the graphical style. It makes me with GB games actually tried to do 3D graphics. But, I bet a Gameboy would explode upon playing this. [3.25/5]
As if being restricted in the resolution and colour domains weren't enough, this game goes for full 3D too. Ambitious!
...And it delivers. The whole experience is well polished end-to-end, complete with a cute (if maybe mildly repetitive) sound track, and all sorts of tiny bits of attention to detail -- like a low-poly trophy! -- that make it very impressive given the timeframe. You can even play each of the two tracks in reverse!
I'm historically rather poor at these games, so I don't expect to be a good judge at how good of a racing game it is. The controls seem responsive, and, despite the resolution limitations, the player and road lines are crisp and easily identifiable. I really expected to have more trouble keeping track of myself and the track with so few pixels -- well done. The pop-up indicators for what turn to expect was a nice touch that I was grateful for. Brake those turns!
The only thing I can think to critisize is a desire to see greater uniformity in the controls. The game's description claims A/D with J/K to play, but the menu requires both W/S for up/down navigation, and also SPACEBAR to select. It would be nice to see J or K accepted as selection keys -- since they're already established as "action keys". A/D could be used entirely for the navigation as well, just by having the selection wrap around from the top set of buttons to the bottom set. (This might be awkward; maybe the UI needs rethinking.)
But seriously, if key consistency is all I can balk about you did something very, very right. 5/5.
Very cool! Felt really authentic, especially that menu with the scrolling background <3
Really lovely game! I included it in part 3 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/ud3RPQ8WDLw

Future Rally
Game Soundtrack
A / D to steer Left/Right | J to accelerate | K to break
Take part in the ultimate rally of the future! Pushing your Nintendo GameBoy system to new limits with FULL 3D POLYGONAL GRAPHICS in 4 stunning colors, Future Rally will blow your mind!
Race on 4 (including 2 reverse) expansive tracks and set a new world record for fastest time as you blaze down straights and around turns in your futuristic hover car!