
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Maybe this is showing my age...

I made something like this from a computing magazine in the '80s.

HOWEVER - this is a LOT better!

Nice to see something 100% not done with a game creator.

wow this is cool

I give this game a good rating (du to the fact it is not a normal RPG) and it`s something new to batch :)

Yay! Batch!

Wow. This is pretty awesome. Considering I started out BATCH coding this is really cool and impressive. Great game.

A batch version of Galaga/space invaders. You move a ship back and forth in order to outmanuvere the alien vessel. Blast the enemy to smithereens when in the right position!


-Arcade style

-Highscore system

-Customizable textures

-Two different game modes

-It is in batch, but not a text based RPG

Mild Cartoon Violence


Its out. Play it. Its fun.