
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Me mata el primer corchete

Se agradece la actualización ;) El juego y el concepto bien merecen ese premio del jurado.

This is just wonderful. I actually suck at typing apparently

Vaya puta mierda de juego. Ojalá se mueran todos los que lo han hecho y le entre algo malo al de la música copiá de E.T.

Funny concept! I included it in part 3 of my Familiar Game Jam Volume 3 compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out!



Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

You are a participant of the Jam and nobody lets you concentrate, shut them up before you lose your concentration!! #familiargamejam3

Graphics : Petrut Neacsu

Coding: Rafa Carneros
Jesús Bartús
Gonzalo de Santos

Music: Sergio de Prado

FX: Javier Zúmer


Added Highscores!

We’ve finally added support for gamejolt highscores so if you ever wanted to show the world who is the best coder, now is the time!

Fixed Walker animations

Walker enemy has some nice animations when coming to annoy you!

Mac OS graphics issue fixed

New version fixing Mac OS version graphics and added words counter

Highscores are coming

GameJamthropy got the jury award on the familiar game jam 3!

The game was given the special price from the jury #familiargamejam3, thank you very much!!

Fixed shader issues

Shaders should work now in all operative systems

Also we have reduced the size of the build a lot!