
Comments (36)

What do you think?

underrated mugen, finally one mugen that doesnt put innecesary characters as shadow dio, or other sh*t good job
i hope there is an update with new characters

the game constantly crashes after loading the character and gives an error, what should I do?

The game constantly crashes whenever you try to load a specific character or location. Some characters (Like Jolyne) get OWNED by the FIRST opponent in the story mode on THE EASIEST DIFFICULTY! And BOSS CHARACTERS like Dio or Kars appear AS FIRST OPPONENTS in the story mode... Question: When is the update...HUH?!?!?!?

Great idea and realisation, but what about difficulty? For a three-button fighting, the AI is pretty hardcore from the first matches.

Nice mugen game


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - All Star Battle JUS Edition

Version: 1.0.0over 3 years ago
This is version 1.0 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - All Star Battle JUS Edition. This version includes 40 characters, 33 stages, and 1 mini game.

Welcome to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - All Star Battle JUS Edition. This game is a fan recreation of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle which was made using the M.U.G.E.N Engine. This 2D fighting game includes a large cast of 40 characters and 33 stages from all 8 parts of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Modes include Arcade Mode, Versus Mode, Survival Mode, Training Mode, and Watch Mode. This game also features a mini game based on the Stand “Justice” from Stardust Crusaders. This mode tests how many of Enya the Hag’s Zombies you can kill in 99 seconds. I do plan on updating this game in the future depending on the feedback, but as for now I hope you all enjoy my jojo mugen!!


Platform: PC | Management: Keyboard Keys, (USB/Bluetooth Controllers Compatible)

Player 1:

Movement - W [jump], A [left], S [down], D [right]

Combat - U I O (Press these keys to attack your opponent. Pressing them multiple times will allow you to string combos together. Combos can be done on the ground or in the air.)

Super Meter: Power that is charged by player’s one and two. Super meter must be charged by holding the Enter key. Super meter can also be charged by attacking an opponent. The maximum amount of super meter that can be charged is three. Super meter allows characters to use Super Moves, Awakening Moves, and Ultimate Moves. Super meter requirements vary between these three types of moves.

Awakenings - J (These moves can be pulled off by pressing the J key. These usually require up to three super meters to be activated. Awakening moves can evolve a character’s appearance or moveset (or both) allowing them to do more damage as well as gain new moves.)

Ultimate Move - K (A character’s strongest move that can be pulled off by pressing the K key. Every character’s ultimate move is different and a lot of them work in different ways. These moves require all three super meters to be used.)


Player 2:

Movement - Up Arrow Key [jump], Left Arrow Key [left], Down Arrow Key [down], Right Arrow Key [right]

Combat - Num4 Num5 Num6 (Press these keys to attack your opponent. Pressing them multiple times will allow you to string combos together. Combos can be done on the ground or in the air.)

Super Meter: Power that is charged by player’s one and two. Super meter must be charged by holding the NumEnter key. Super meter can also be charged by attacking an opponent. The maximum amount of super meter that can be charged is three. Super meter allows characters to use Super Moves, Awakening Moves, and Ultimate Moves. Super meter requirements vary between these three types of moves.

Awakenings - Num1 (These moves can be pulled off by pressing the Num1 key. These usually require up to three super meters to be activated. Awakening moves can evolve a character’s appearance or moveset (or both) allowing them to do more damage as well as gain new moves.)

Ultimate Move - Num2 (A character’s strongest move that can be pulled off by pressing the Num2 key. Every character’s ultimate move is different and a lot of them work in different ways. These moves require all three super meters to be used.)


Super Moves:

By doing commands such as S,D,U (or ↓,→,Num4) your character will be able to pull off a super move. The commands must be done in quick succession in order for them to work (pressing the keys at the same time will not work). For example the order should first be S then D and finally U (first ↓ then → finally Num4). These moves require one or two super meters to be used.


Super Moves (Player 1):

Super #1 = S,D,U

Super #2 = S,A,U

Super #3 = S,D,I

Super #4 = S,A,I

Super #5 = S,D,O

Super #6 = S,A,O


Super Moves (Player 2):

Super #1 = ↓,→,Num4

Super #2 = ↓,←, Num4

Super #3 = ↓,→,Num5

Super #4 = ↓,←, Num5

Super #5 = ↓,→,Num6

Super #6 =↓,←, Num6


You can choose a character's palette (skin) by pressing the movement keys during the beginning of a match. (Only some characters have this option).







Shadow Mercer

Teixeira's Mugen


Team Passione Muzzarela









For more detailed information on gameplay check out the "How To Play" text file in the game's folder.

#multiplayer #action #fangame #arcade #fangame #fighting #mugen #jojo #jjba #fighter #Jojo #jjba #mugen #fighting #jojosbizarreadventure #jojomugen #AllStarBattle #JJBAASB #EyesofHeaven

#jojo #jojobizarreadventure #jojoasb #jojoasbr #jjba #hftf #phantomblood #battletendency #stardustcrusaders #diamondisunbreakable #goldenwind #stoneocean #stoneoceananime #stoneoceannetflix #steelballrun #jojolion #jojolands #jotaro #josuke #giorno #jolynecujoh

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
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