
Gamer Game
A fun endurance run game similar to Devil Daggers.
I made this game in a week (like six or seven years ago), i am learning how to code GML so i can make an RPG (is what I thought I would do six or seven years ago).
This game uses 100 percent original """"""""""""assets""""""""""" and you all can use them if you like. have fun playing my game! there are very very few bugs (that I have found). the only bug i think that may still be in this crude version of the game is enemies spawning inside of you I am almost positive that it is gone but they it might happen one in one hundred times sorry if that is a problem. I will definitely get better at coding! (I didn't I cook and make music now)
Anyways guys, play my game. Its absolute GAS and you know it! The dopamine rush when you level up off a ploobermin point pickup is indescribable. I've been playing this game for 6 years before I added an update and wow its even more fun now give it a shot im serious this game is like the most disgusting thing to look at but man is it fun to run around and dodge stuff I totally hit the nail on the head with this one - now I just need to like make friends with someone who makes sprites!
R = restart
ESC = quit
P = fullscreen Toggle
WSAD = move
LMB = shoot
SPACEBAR = Bunga Blast
The game has various audio ques that represent key parts of the game such as being low on funds and when an enemy is destroyed.
Your objective is to last in the battlefield for as long as possible!
Avoid the red squares! they are covered in filth and you really do not want to get your suit dirty. The game is over when the player collides with an enemy, the border, or when the player runs out of money. Shooting enemies will destroy them and makes it easier for you to keep your clothes clean, but watch out! You only have a limited amount of funds, and bullets are expensive! Every shot depletes your cash stack! Regain money over time by not shooting. You get a return on investment when a bullet hits an enemy. When an enemy is destroyed, they drop Ploobermin points.
collect more of Ploobermin's points to make him invest in you, and your shooting skills (upgrading your weapon immensely!). Collecting points reimburses your currency count.
When the game inevitably ends, your score is the time in the upper right hand corner. Have fun!
#action #arcade #retro #survival #shooter #pointnclick #other