Comments (38)

im angry that this is so high effort
Please someone make this mod happen or revive it or something lol

y you ban player vs bf
Game Soundtrack
The moment you've all been waiting for...Friday Night Funkin' (Logic) - VS. Player
One day, BF and GF went to the Gametoons world, Friday Night Funkin' Logic and they met Player - clone version of BF.
Will BF can survival that sandbag!?
Player is the main protagonist of each GameToons series. He is an average guy with a bad luck streak but seem like he's very lucky at fnf.
1 week/ 4 songs?
Bonus song from Freeplay
Week 2? nahhhh, just hope for the future
- Director, Artist, Musician and Coder (I just know little about making music and coding, lol!)
Player's voice from Gametunes video
(Update: It's cancelled now! I'm sorry! )