Comments (40)
That was a most entertaining game, I want it! :D There is more detail to this but I am glad to understand it enough to get a little ahead of myself, I left a little feedback too during the game I hope to see more of this when it is done. Looked for the bulleting board to build but I think I missed it. Let me know how it all goes. 5/5.
YouTuber: Fellowplayer
I might do a live stream of this today because it looks adorable, anyone would wanna join in perhaps? :)
The art direction is sooo good. Awesome work!
I really enjoyed this game! I didn't realise until I was exiting out of the game that you can customise your character. Also, I did find one little bug when I was trying to sell something. A rock got stuck on the screen and stayed there throughout the whole gameplay. (I did make a let'splay of it, so you can see. It happens in the first few minutes.) I haven't restarted the game yet, so I don't know if it would still be there. Anyway, this is a great game so far! Good luck, and I hope your campaign goes well!
EDIT: My favorite outfit is the first one. Ghost kitty. :3
This game is so cute!! >w< ♥
I can't wait until it's finished!
Garden Paws Demo

Garden Paws is a relaxing role-playing game that doesn't limit your play style. Create your perfect simulation, whether you want to spend your days farming, exploring, fishing, questing or fighting.
If you enjoy the game please support us on Kickstarter!

In Garden Paws you have inherited your grandparents farm as they set off to travel the world. Work with Frank at the local construction shop to finish off the final touches on your new home. Aid Frank and Mayor Wilson in building up the town so it can reach its full potential.

To build up the town you need coins, what better way to earn those then by running a shop! Explore the islands and its caves to collect everything from flowers to poop to sell in your shop. Over time and with each building built, new townsfolk sail to the island with new items for purchase and quests to complete.

Turn your small home and shop into a large farmland through upgrades and questing.
Grow seeds into beautiful flowers and vegetables to sell in your shop.
Raise and care for animals like chicks and chickens. With more animals to come!
Build up the nearby town adding a Museum, Blacksmith, Inn and more!
Overcome natural disasters with the help of the townsfolk!
Upgrade your tools and weapons.
Collect artifacts to sell or donate to the Museum for fame and rewards.
Explore caves and dungeons for unique loot!
Take a break and do some fishing!
Invite up to 3 friends to play with you in your farm!
Personalize your character with unique skins, accessories and more.