
Comments (1)

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Play this game, guys! It's definitely worth it especially if you are into narrative style games. I hope you guys get greenlit! If you guys want a look in what the game consists of here's some of my gameplay :)


Gataela Demo

Version: 0.7.34 months ago

A decade ago a civil war tore across the Kingdom of Gataela. Zack, orphaned during the conflict, embarks on a mission to improve the lives of his loved ones. Uncover schemes, investigate mysteries, and debate the citizens and nobles of Gataela! Will Zack succeed... Or will he discover hidden truths that threaten to rip apart the nation all over again?

  • Two Battle Systems: Timed turn-based, and Debate battles where you can negotiate, convince, and debate with NPCs

  • Speaking to NPCs is important: NPCs can give you the facts you need to back up your arguments in debates

  • Skits: Get to know more about the characters and the world

  • Skills level up with you: The more you use a skill, the better you'll get at it

  • Point allocation: Distribute points each time you level up and build your party however you want

  • Science is on your side: Use gunpowder and science to craft items which can help you get out of a pinch

  • Costumes: Changing your outfit will also change your overworld's appearance, and their appearance in skits


Q: Can I do a Let's Play/Review/Stream of the demo?

A: Yep! Go for it! We'd also love to see it~

Q: What are the minimum requirements to play the demo?

A: Windows 7, 8 or 10 with at least 8GB of RAM.

Q: Is this an RPGMaker game?

A: Gataela is built using Gamemaker Studio 2.

Q: How long is the demo? How long will the final game be?

A: The demo is approximately 3-5 hours long depending on your familiarity with RPGs. Based off that, the final game will be around 30-50 hours long.

#rpg #fantasy #steampunk #jrpg #pixelart #2d #victorian

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language

2 years ago we released a demo for our Steam Greenlight campaign and we got A LOT of feedback from people and decided to invest in getting this stuff right, but it required redoing the whole game!

For more information read here:
