Comments (2)
For your first game its a good start.
Geometrical Apocalypse
This is my first ever game so please be nice.
This is a simple game where you have to kill as much enemies as you can. Can you survive? Colors change and enemies get faster as you get better. I will also add new content occasionally.
Added two new Enemies
Brute - faster than normal enemies. Deals a lot of damage. Starts appearing at score 100
Shooter- Shoots bullets at you(duh). Starts appearing at score 500
-Added two Power Ups
Health - heals the player(Brutes have a chance of dropping it)
Shield - gives you a temporary shield for 10 seconds(Shooters have a chance of dropping it)
-fixed animated title.
-fixed a glitch where the player is unable to move if returned from main menu.
-moved the score to the bottom center.
-made health bar better.
-added controls menu.
Add a boss.
-Add new weapons.
What do you think of the update? Please leave suggestions for the next update. Feedback will also be appreciated!