
One Jumper
Jump 5 times

Chapter 1 is complete!
Complete Chapter 1.
Make it pass the evil sanics and escape to the facility.

Double Jumper
Jump 15 times!

Evil Sanic killer
Kill 5 sanics

Chapter 2 complete! 3 to go!
Kill the evil sanics and get to the factory!

Killer of the sanics
Kill 15 sanics

Foxy has joined you Xbox live party!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Sanic WAIT!
Make 1 sanic get left behind without getting killed

Chapter 3 Done! now I need to get to some other places
2 more places to go!
and you have destroyed the other 3 places!
1. You made it past the evil sanics
2. You killed the sanics
3. You destroyed the sanic making places
Good job,

Chica and bonnie are excited to see you!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Complete the "Wimp" difficulty
Complete the easy difficulty
I recommend you try the Normal difficulty. Its not that hard...

Complete the "Normal" Difficulty
You have completed the normal difficulty and its kind of basic

Freddy is here! Now 1 more
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Chapter 4 COMPLETE!
Now you have destroyed that Clone machine factory that make sanics!
Now you have 1 more chapter to do, Young hero!

DLC downloader
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Our young hero!
You have completed the game!
and defeated the boss!
You will be known as one of our greatest heros!

Golden Freddy has Joined you Xbox Live party!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

It can't be over!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Purple man died
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Complete the hardest difficulty: MLG
Sanics are hard to defeat and are fast!