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That mod is from learning with pibby and pocoyo turn into pocoyo corrupted



vs pocoyo pibby

Version: 0.2.0almost 3 years ago
psych engine v0.5.1 friday night fukin v0.2.7 vamos hay un personaje rojo con brazo metalico porque eso es dash un personaje de fnf pero con el mundo de pibby y glicht contexto para los que no conocemos la historia de dash: dash era un niño huerfano sin padres pero por suerte llego reynan el cual se convertiría en su padre adoptivo poco después en una tarde de almuerzo se activaron las alarmas en la casa reynan le pidió a dash que fuera a su habitación luego fue a su habitación y escucho gritos y sonidos de glith bajo por curiosidad y vio a su padrastro siendo consumido por el glith entonces reynan sin aliento le gritó a dash ¡CUIDADO! dash miró hacia atrás y vio a finn el humano pero resultó con el glith y luego finn le cortó el brazo con una espada

Dash se cayó por las escaleras a causa del dolor, lo que ocurrió que se lastimara la rodilla y luego cayó al suelo, quedando inconsciente y el glith vio a Dash pero no lo consumió porque creía que Dash había muerto. 2 horas después despertó sin su brazo. y vio un brazo robótico en una caja de vidrio luego se levantó con dolor y con su único brazo rompió el vidrio con los nudillos luego agarró el brazo y se lo puso y luego el brazo se puso automáticamente y ese brazo era muy especial porque se puede convertir en una espada en una pistola o en un microfono, etc. su cabeza y vio a Pibby ya su novio, luego Pibby le dijo que bien estas chico

guion: si estoy bien como te llamas

pibby: mi nombre es pibby y tu

dash: buen nombre mi nombre es dash encantado de conocerte

novio: donde estan tus papas

dash le dijo todo

pibby: lo siento, perdiste a tu padrastro

novio: te unes a nuestro equipo sabemos como parar el glith

guion: en serio

novio: si y recuperaremos a tu padre que dices

dash: si quiero rescatar a mi padrastro el me cuido por mucho tiempo y ahora le devolvere el favor por lo que hizo por mi >:(

y así dash se unió al equipo y pibby y dash se claramente en amigos inseparables: la historia del mod: novio y dash y pibby estaban descansando después de unas cuantas batallas de rap con algunos glitches: glitches: maya the bee, peppa, simon the conejo etc etc

se corrompió después el novio sin pensarlo dos veces los reta a una batalla de rap pocoyo lo estaría ayudando (después de la batalla de rap) dash y pibby muy cansados ​​​​corrieron hacia el novio el novio se les puso enfrente excepto dash y luego llega la chica que sigue corrupta y el novio desafía a la chica a una batalla de rap (después de eso) el novio dashy y pibby buscan una salida de ese mundo blanco pero de alguna manera extraña regresan al lugar donde estaban descansando el novio dashy pibby no entendio nada pero eso no le importa ellos y se van de nuevo a la cama a descansar para otra aventura glicheada

part 2: this is the new update of the mod the truth was a lot of work the good thing is that we already have our group of modders to make more incredible mods you are bf pibby and dash and the martian manage to escape from the white world since the last time since then 28 days passed after that event context: bf pibby and dash and the martian were looking for new recruits to beat the glicht when suddenly another glitch occurs and they were transported back to the white world and in the world of pocoyo bf would recognize this place immediately until then pocoyo pibby would appear at first he was going to attack him but seeing that it is bf the one who defeated him for like 28 days, little I would leave him alive since he was planning his revenge against him and behind him there were more infected some acquaintances and other new pibby tells him to do a rap battle bf accepts and the music plays. in the song green hallucination bf would be dizzy due to the green lights that flash but bf the good thing is that bf at the end regains consciousness and finishes rapping his last notes after 3 rap battles bf tells dash and pibby to go find some survivors in the white world pibby didn't agree with that because this is a very flat world he couldn't aver no one but the martian told them that there is a house with some survivors dash and pibby went to that place to look while bf continues rapping with pato and pocoyo. after that bf would start to worry because dash and pibby did not arrive pocoyo already tired of all this decides to do one last rap battle bf to defend himself decides to rap but after a few melodies pocoyo would start to behave strange bf would start to get scared then pocoyo transforms into a monster because of the glicht bf would get scared but seeing that dash and pibby appeared and with new survivors he arms himself with courage and faces pocoyo or rather POKO. after spending the last rap battle pocoyo admitted his defeat and bf disappeared and the others would be happy that this is over but they still have to keep looking for recruits to beat the glicht dash she asks elly how she managed to survive but the martian would tell her that: when this started they saw pocoyo asking for help because a strange mass was consuming him duck lo tries to help but is also consumed later me and my brothers were shocked we thought it was some kind of alien but the mass came out more earthlings who began to attack the entire planet me and elly ran towards the colored house we hid there for a while then we started When we heard desperate knocks on the door, we opened it and saw that it was a little bird, Valentina Marciano in a bad mood, and they entered desperately because we saw that behind them there was a little girl, I duck, an octopus, and my brothers who went out to look for food were like one of them, I will be the door while I cried in tears for my brothers and my friends after that we went out for a while when everything was clear we went out to look for food to be able to survive one day I went to look for food but when I was coming back I made a little noise and that caught nina and I ran until I saw them and jumped on your friend out of fear then that boy with blue hair confronted them and after being with you for a while we came back for my friends thanks for rescuing us from this world: dash hearing that changed as well as pibby and the others this that later another failure would occur and bf he was transported to the intro of pocoyo later he would see pocoyo and duck in 2d bf would challenge them to a rap battle and they accepted. after those rap battles pocoyo and pato would attack bf but before they did so another bug would be present allowing bf to escape (8 hours later) bf dash pibby and the others got ready to sleep since it was night in a shelter but suddenly dash would dream the same again the moment in which finn cuts her arm since that moment torments her too much and there the last song would start the mod

the next day dash would wake up at 7:00 am and screaming for bf and pibby to wake up pibby asks if he had that dream again dash says yes and lies down on his bed tired and would go back to sleep.

thanks for playing I hope you liked it it was a lot of work but it was worth it thank you very much :)

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