Comments (4)
When I saw your banner/image for the game it looked so interesting. Like an adventure game, then I pressed it and read the description. The garden must be protected, That made me confused as it seems like you are in a forest...
I played it and it seems like a Plants Vs. Zombie game... It actually made me a bit sad. But on the good side, I am always in these type of games. I like the game art, Looking forward for what is next!
I see you're taking the same udemy course I took! This is one of the best glitch gardens I've seen! Its not way too easy like most of them tend to be. The only problem I have with it is that when I die, I have to go back to the first level. The one game I have on this site was what came from the zombie runner section of the udemy course (though its not a shooter). It will be interesting to see if you upload a zombie runner and what it will be like. You've added value to most of the games!
Glitch Garden - Web GL
The garden must be protected!
A seemingly unending wave of animals have set their sights on your precious garden. Use the vegetables and other garden features to keep them away.