Comments (18)
Hello CrackedGhostGames,
This game in it's current state is amazing for how much is used. The movement is smooth but there is some clipping issues but not game breaking. The music was a nice touch but I bet you can make a full soundtrack for each world? The main menu was simple but still functioning. There was no story but I bet that can be worked that over time.
I have a few questions though:
1) How long did it take to make?
2) Do you make your own soundtrack/art style?
3) Is this a long term project?
I would give this game( in this current version)
9/10 In art style (It was good and original)
1/10 For Story (Nothing at all)
5/10 For Interface (The interface was there)
8/10 For Music (Nice music pieces)
7/10 For Gameplay (Smoothish movement but some clipping errors)
Total 30/50
I also want to give you a challenge if your up for it.
I want you try to make a original game with a deep story with only your knowledge (It doesn't matter how bad it is but by then end of november please send it to me or post it on gamejolt, so we can go through what you're good at and what can be improved)
Please feel free to contact me at any time.
Discord: https://discord.gg/suPUuwW
Email: [email protected]
muito bom o game. jogue um poquinho no meu canal
foi muito interessante ter jogado o game. e raro ver jogos bons aqui e esse jogo e um deles rsrsrs
Really nice game, I enjoyed the simple visuals and controls. I appreciate that the game didn't need a tutorial, all gameplay elements were introduced naturally and didn't need explanation to be understood.
A few levels (I think 2-4?) had a pretty noticeable spike in difficulty only for subsequent levels to be easier again, but this wasn't too jarring since the entire game was relatively difficult and unforgiving.
A nice improvement would be some sort of visual or audio indicator for when the colored platforms are going to shift, so that one doesn't have to count in their head, which is a bit frustrating because you have to also keep track of numerous other things.
Maybe show their silhouette while they are not accessible.
The music might also get a bit repetitive after being stuck on a single level for a bit, but the selected tracks in itself were quite alright and fit the visuals of the game.
Another suggestion of mine would be to maybe palette swap the bricks when advancing to a new dungeon to give the player more feedback of where they are in the game's world.
As was already mentioned by someone else, the game has a few clipping issues particularly with the shifting platforms where the player can get stuck inside geometry temporarely, but since the levels are really short and designed to be repeated, this did not stain the experience too much.
In conclusion, a splendit game with a fair bit of difficulty, I enjoyed it very much! Also really cool that you have included trophies and high scores.
Hey, my high score isn't saving, what do I do?
Edit: Nvm I got it, #1 highscore too, woo (excluding devs highscore). Also 69 deaths which is just perfect.
Anyway, it's time to get the mitts raised up good and proper.
This was actually a pretty good game in the end. The platforming was snappy and kind of satisfying, a bit less satisfying because of the luck aspects though. It took me many tries to get some of these levels down initially, mainly due to the fact that I didn't know how to go about it. Once you understand how the level works though, it's a walk in the park... for some of them. Levels like 3-2 and 2-8 were pretty ridiculous. Pretty impossible to get consistently because of some of the platforms. Because of this the difficult can come off as a bit unfair or artificial. Took me a long time to get used to the swapping platforms too, which was kind of annoying. Heck, I couldn't even get the special little rainbow token on 2-8. I just couldn't figure out the strategy to get to the top.
3-2 also has a horrifying bug where if you jump into the top left corner the divot will glitch you into the block and it'll make the most fear inducing sound ever. Pretty much the sound you'd expect to hear before you die.
Overall, I'd say the music is pretty good. Can get a little repetitive after listening to it for a very long time though, which you probably will be on your first playthrough.
There's no story so don't expect anything in that department.
Art is pretty cool though, good ol' pixel graphics.
(8/10 now)
Nothing happens when I leave the first level through the side.
Name Your Price
Goblin Dungeoneer
Please make sure to put in your username and token in correctly if you're trying to compete for high scores.
Prepare for "hell in video game form"! Goblin Dungeoneer is a tough as nails platforming game developed by CrackedGhostGames. Traverse through 50 unique levels, leap over dangerous spike pits, dodge dangerous arrow traps, and much more! Enter the dungeon to save your starving goblin tribe!
You are going to die... A lot... What kind of dungeon would this be if it wasn't dangerous? Good luck.
"Platforming was snappy and kind of satisfying. 8/10" -SolaireOfAstola_
"I didn't expect to be giving up on the game that easily" -Indurok
Online Scoreboards!
The GameJolt version uses the GameJolt API so you all can compete for the highest score! It will be displayed on the game page if you log in.Universal Gamepad Support!
Use any controller you'd like to play the game!
#retro #8bit #zxspectrum #rage
#platformer #adventure #action #arcade #analog #difficult
Mild Cartoon Violence