Godot Doom clone test w/ Doom 64 assets v1
Based on YouTuber LukeRS's Godot Doom Clone tutorials, plus a little extra help from rayuse rp as well as assorted docs and forum posts, and created using assets from Doom 64.
Shoutout to Aubrey Hodges for the legendary soundtrack.
Arrow Keyes/ WASD: Movement
Mouse: Aiming
Left Mouse Button: Shoot
Right Mouse Button: Punch
Mouse Wheel: Scroll Weapons
Number Keys 1-6: Select Specific Weapon
(Pistol, Shotgun, SSG, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun)
Alt+Enter: Toggle Fullscreen
R: Restart Scene
M: Toggle Mouse Lock
Left Stick: Movement
Right Stick: Aiming
Right Trigger: Shoot
Left Trigger: Punch
L1/R1 or Bumpers: Previous/ Next Weapon
D-Pad: Scroll Weapons Based On Ammo Type
(Up: Bullets Right: Shells Down: Rockets Left: Cells)
Select/ Share/ Back: Toggle Fullscreen
Start/ Options: Restart Scene
Known issues:
The browser version is very choppy at the beginning.
Having a controller plugged in causes issues between input devices (I've had keyboard movement stop intermittently or certain controllers fail to rotate view in all directions during testing).
HUD elements don't scale when toggling fullscreen.
Pressing against a wall when firing a projectile-based weapon creates the impression that the projectile didn't fire, when in actuality the projectile gets fired from inside the wall.
Resetting the scene doesn't reset player stats.
Enemies hold the one frame of animation if firing at close range.
I have no idea what in the heck happens under the hood regarding the ammo counter between the two shotguns, but during testing I've found one will update the value with each shot while the other one doesn't 🤔
Switching from the latter to the former corrects the value, but it's hardly a "fix" by any metric... 🤨
Currently, aiming with a game pad is of the up-is-up variety; implementing a toggle for inverted controls is definitely an option I want to include further down the line.
The muzzle flash from the Chaingun really needs to pulse, rather than plainly light the scene as it does in its current state.
Not all of Doom 64's weapons have been added yet.
There is only one enemy type, and doesn't have all their sounds added.
The player doesn't have a death state yet; even at 0 health, you're still in the game.
And is it just me, or do the enemies look like they're floating ever so slightly above the ground? 🤔 Despite numerous tweaks to try to fix that... 😤
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Thanks for looking!
#horror #fangame #action #retro #scifi #shooter #fps #gore #doom