
Comments (8)

What do you think?

From the guy who uses your unused Destroyah theme, I think that this game was awesome. It mixed something as silly as Godzilla from the Gameboy with the Godzilla NES Creepypasta. The only issues I have with the game were...

  • Stage 3 is pretty difficult, but that's just my opinion.

  • After reaching the end of the 3rd stage the first time, it wouldn't let me move to the right after climbing the vines.

  • Stage 4 can be really long and confusing.

  • I'm not sure if the save states are there to purposely not work, or they're a joke.

  • Sometimes, Face won't give you the hints to find everyone to finish the game.

  • And most importantly, the controls are...iffy. ESPECIALLY when you go back to the menu and when you want to press down on the arrow keys to select "Load Game", you instead accidentally select "New Game", This happened to me. Twice. One time when I was at stage 5 and ended up having to redo a bunch of things.

Other than these issues, the atmosphere and the feel of the game was amazing! I've played the game to it's finish, and I don't regret it. I hope you can finally focus on your real world things, considering this is your last project. What a good project to end off on!

I like this game a lot, but for some odd reason, the load game feature doesn't seem to be working anymore. I tried to get it to stage 2/3, but it wouldn't let me. Must be a bug that was created with time. Levels are sometimes also impossible as well. Pair this with the bug and you're bound to get a headache. Otherwise, great game!

A webo no es el original XD con rason tiene pocos likes :v

If I download the original, and then the creepypasta ... do the games mix?

Que paso causa, mas de 2K de vistas y solo 5 likes :v

I love this game this is amazing but there are some issues. 1.The Ending. It's unsatysfaing 2. You can cheese melissa, face and Minilla just by copying and pasting for example face.sav 2 two times an changing names to angel.sav and minilla.sav . 3.Controls they are just bad 4.Sometimes levels are imposible and you can complete them for example stage 2 and 3 the objects posision are impossible to avoid. This is evrything i got but there is something bothering me... what "48789" means?


Godzilla GameBoy

Version: 1.0.0over 5 years ago

A little time waster puzzle adventure for GameBoy.

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