Comments (18)
Lemonhero i feel Like i was the first person who only played your game and i LOVE Gloden adventure its like playing five nights at f-Boy's Kids edition
Hello My name is reuploder I hade 1 Question: Will you make a golden advenutre 3 & 4
Way to sequel-bait us at the end, Lemon. Overall a slightly better game then GA1 but I was a bit disappointed the final boss didn't have a twist like the one in the first game, what not with a second form and all.
Lemonhero i was looking through the games enemies and i saw that beta presents can't drop mangle's eyeball plz fix that
Golden Adventure 2
Golden Freddy realizes he wasn't invited for the party. He blames Toy Freddy and Balloon boy. They both join Golden Freddy to beat all the cameras and make a party with everyone being happy.
-If you see any game errors feel free to comment. That would be helpful.