
Night 2
Beat night 2.

Sit around at the arcade for long enough to realize its probably broken.

Stove Slapping
Learn an important life lesson.

A Waste of Plastic
Punch the Toy Animatronics 50 times in total.

You Blew It.
Actually loose to Freddy and Friends on night 6.

Soft Swag
Meet an old friend... sort of.

Night 3
Beat Night 3

Night 4
Beat Night 4

Defeat Biggie

There Can Be Only One
Defeat Shadow Freddy

Mass Dysfunction
Actually have to fight (and beat) the puppet.

Not Golden Freddy
Hold Q and watch the magic unfold.

Just Like Old Times
Reunite with an old friend, for real.

The Dosh Master
Finish Dosh Quest 87'

Bang Bang Bang
Defeat Derek Bum

Get the good ending in the super amazing dating sim.

Not Freddy - The Experience
I can't wake up...

Weapon of the Gods
Prove your worth and earn the Wyvern Dildo.

Party Hat Master
Reach level 40

Night 5
Beat Night 5

Uncover the debug room.

Who Am I
Defeat Snoop

Survive 20 turns with the 4 animatronics.

Finish the secret scenario.

Well That Sucked
Finish the crappy bonus night.

Raining Blood
Go to a Slayer concert.

Life Sucks, and Then You Die
Get terminally good.

Don't Take Fame
Complete Night 6

Clear the game on Proud Mode.

Let's Get Critical!
Clear the game on Critical Mode.

What a TEDDIEous fight!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.