Comments (43)
So... I can't figure out how to get past the Snow Dungeon. Any help there? I like the game so far though, very interesting and pretty.
First off, this is one of the prettiest games I've seen made with Unity. I didn't know what to do in it though.
So, the binoculars were weird, I didn't like how it just put a .jpg in the middle of the screen and zoomed in. Maybe you could make it so the picture fills the scree, that would be sweet. And possibly lower the sensitivity while the binoculars, too.
Plus, there aren't any settings other than graphical settings in the launch of the game. If you ever plan on updating, you should add settings for sensitivity, bloom, etc.
Some of the mountains looked a little pointy, you should try and fix that. Aha, I don't think that mountains should be sharp, although they do look a little bit decent.
Okay, another thing is, for some reason with every unity game I play, I always find a way get to where I shouldn't be, weather that's out of the map, falling, or glitching through something. In this game, I was able to find ways around the trees in the forest in the beginning of the game, making it easier to get to the second note. Also, I was able to work around the trees to a point where I could fall off the map. This brings up my next point...
In the "Snow" level, I fell through a mountain and literally fell forever, out of the map. I was just simply walking up a steep mountain as if it was a hill, and it glitched me thorough.
In total, this is a good game for being in beta. There are a lot of little things you can do to really perfect the game, but right now it's just not at that perfect point. It's almost there though, keep developing this game. I'll be excited for a new release! Good luck!
Hey man would I be able to do a let's play of this game ? :)
Nice game...Very nice. I got lost for a bit but found all the boxes i needed. Will try later to progress more. And thank you for this game.
Game Soundtrack
Forest Dungeon
Waking up on a strange island with no idea of how you got there, and a strange cube object that calls itself PIGO (Perfectly Imperfect Generic Object), things only get weirder from here.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans