= Move over Gooter, you've just been CANCELLED FOREVER. This game has LAN support! =
Uh oh, Gooter lost the way to his own game, and he ended up in a strange and sad-looking place in an alternate universe. In this universe, time has forever stopped, rain is eternally falling, and the creatures always look funny. However, he realizes that he isn't alone, and other gooters have ended up in the same universe as him. Can you guide Gooter to the floating islands that await him, or will his time stop when he hits a dead end??? (Eh, you'll find out after a few minutes of playing anyways )
Hot New Features:
Move around and explore in the 2d platformer game that everyone has been asking for! It's the new way to chill in silence...with friends!!!*
The twist: you can only go further down, and once you are down, you can't get back up, so traverse with caution. This game is all about taking risks and making mistakes... with friends!!!*
This game is WAAAAYYYY better than Gooter because it has a darker tone than that DUMB kids game (it isn't actually a kids game, Gooter just looks THAT dumb) made for DUMMIES. It also has music that actually (somewhat) fits the pixel art style. You get to experience all of these cool features... WITH FRIENDS!!!!!!*
What are you waiting for? Download the demo today... and play WiTh FrIeNdS!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
(also, this game is TOTALLY not a reskin of a gms2 tutorial that i just downloaded and edited and put no actual effort into for the sake of a joke)
*friends = Those who are able to connect and play with you via Local Area Network, likely not your actual friends.
Bad news guys! You can now listen to this game's soundtrack on Bandcamp now. It's the same song twice and the rain sound effect is absent! YAY!