
Comments (8)

What do you think?

vr version when


the screen is soooo small help...

It is difficult to manage. The control text does not fit on my laptop : (can I tell you how it is?

Physics, blood, ragdolls.


-movement: w/a/s/d

-weapon change: 1/2/3/4/5/0

-shoot: LMB

-point: RMB

-kick: c

-spawn npcs: press "q" facing the red circle on the platform.

-delete npcs: z

-flashlight: f

-body camera: t

-reload: r

-grab/drop npcs: e/g

*To be able to play, you must install both parts, then create a separate folder and put all the unzipped content of the .zips in that folder and run the .exe (the game icon) to be able to play*

#other #sandbox #action #gore #blood

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

What?????? How did I not realize that you cannot aim with weapons XD, but this mechanic is already implemented for tomorrow's update :)


new update available this Saturday 08/12/2024 with this camera improvement and those mentioned in the previous post:

Next update (0.1.1) coming soon: -Improved reflections in objects -Great improvement in blood -new physics in collisions (recreation of "beta" fabrics, new materials reactive to the collision of bullets) -Sorry for the time absent in the updates.

The gorecircle update is now enabled ;)

New steps when passing through a pool of blood.


So far so good :)

Improvements in the menu, options and a new weapon customization system. (Open to improvements)

new photorealism option

advances in visual quality 👌

*Big update: -available at the end of June.

*things changed or new:

-new npc model.

-basic movement of the player.

-body camera

-visual improvement