
Game Soundtrack

2 songs

EpicCodeMage [Title Screen]

You play as Barton, who wanted to make a game for the first time, but somehow he along with his friends, Cameron, Thomas, and Aidan, got stuck on Barton's computer, stuck in the Code Realm, how did this happen? And how can they get out? #rpg #action #scifi #puzzle

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Mature Humor

So, there's a part of the end of each chapter that lets you pick up something and leave, originally I would close off the explored world, and you never get to visit it again! So I decided to give the world's replay ability with "few" changes.

many enemies

So, first off the official game will be released in the original page. Why I bothered making another game page focusing on the same game is because I didn't fully understood the functions of the website. But I bet I do now. Stay tune for THE FULL GAME!!

Going to update me and my friend's design

So now that I got my hands on RPG Maker VX ace, hopefully, I'll have more variety to work with!