
Game Soundtrack

2 songs

EpicCodeMage [Title Screen]

You play as Barton, who wanted to make a game for the first time, but somehow he along with his friends, Cameron, Thomas, and Aidan, got stuck on Barton's computer, stuck in the Code Realm, how did this happen? And how can they get out? #rpg #action #scifi #puzzle

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Mature Humor

I'm sorry, that's it's late but the game is finally is finally out!

The #greatcomputervirus shall be released on Febuary 4th, 2020! Now please! Stay tuned!

#greatcomputervirus Expect a trailer both on hear, youtube, and maybe twitter. I just need to make it first!

The 2nd Demo of The great Computer Virus is out now!

THE 2ND DEMO FOR The Great Computer Virus WILL BE RELEASED JULY 3RD!!!!!!