
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Uhm... Were you really diagnosed with Greyscale? I mean... You've replied to feedback, so. I dont Know. But was that something that "plays around with players emotions" like said? Please reply if youre still sane.

You should change font at beginning - it overlaps with each other.
Overall nice, addictive game : )

Great game. Very unique. I would've liked some kind of brick that bounced the ball off of it, though. Would've made for some interesting puzzles. (And if there was one, excuse my ignorance. I did not get extremely far in the game.)

Good job! Really liked the art style..



Version: 1.0.0about 11 years ago

Greyscale is a short experimental game made in 2 days. The game plays around with the players emotions, eventually leaving a combination of frustration and sadness. As the player progresses, the story reveals itself.

Let me know of any bugs etc.

Mild Realistic Violence

HTML Now Available

This is my first ever time converting a game to HTML, and special thx to game maker studio, itโ€™s as easy as 3,14159265358979323846. Feel free to give it a shot and lemme know what you think.


Greyscale is a game that will toy around with your emotions. In the end you will be left with a mixture between sadness, and frustration.

Hit dat play button and tell me what oyu think.