Comments (7)
My flail. It has a gun on the end of it. If this were the dark ages, I'd be KING OF EVERYTHING.
That's one of a kind man! 5/5
Not the most easiest way to use a machinegun. I had fun, Good Job.
Pretty interesting game. I included it in part 18 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/7bwZYu9FM-g
You have my vote. Have you tried Party Hard? :)”
You have a gun and you have a flail.
You have a gun flail.
Just a little physics-based arcade survival shooter. It's my entry into the #indiesvspewdiepie jam. Luckily I didn't get distracted by how fun it is to flail a gun around and got it to a roughly finished state. Should it have more things? Yes! Is it fun anyway? Yes!
Real nice of the Game Jolt team to supply free software I didn't have.