
HACKER is the inspiration for gamers to learn theory of computer science via a series of games, and the first FPS to allow players to learn skills, to face players with technology learning activities and choices, and to make them deal with the consequences of their actions. Hacker is set in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic world in the future. Over the course of adventures soldiers would acquire new skills and computer equipment, then face new challenges with outcomes that changed depending on the hacking strategy used to defeat them.
A Computer programmer soldier John Smith, known in the world of hackers by his alias "kernel", brings action of hacking into different years in time through a computer time machine is a FPS in a zombie battlefield. “Hacker” brings the visceral action of hacking into different years in time through a computer time machine, is a first-person shooter featuring competitive combat that seeks to capture the experience of truly being on a zombie battlefield in different years that hacker “Kernel” travels year by year to gather the rescue for the disease spread that kill the world population. Kernel (Super Human Hacker) is a computer programmer who had special powers to communicate via binary code to any processor or computer in the world, also he had the capability to travel in time, via a computer exploit that created a code to travel in time.
He was the only men who saved the world, with his time machine he was able to go back to the past to fight the virus that destroyed human population, he is driven to go back in time and find the root cause of the disease, this virus dubbed rage, which he claims is highly contagious and only takes one bite to spread, all dead zombie’s attack a human and immediately infects him, When a human body is infected it kills, this unknown virus spread uncontrollably among the populace, turning most people into rabid, psychotic "infected," resulting in world destruction.
John also has medical power so he’s immune to the disease, he is backed up by his army called the Hacking Army that controls Robots that are intelligent machines, and they fight and end the war between zombies and machines.
The Reasons You'll Want to Play Hacker: A huge world to explore, a lot of hacking concepts to learn, trade and adventure in the World and Technology is unending, endless and so are your opportunities. We work with the purpose of gaming to “Teach people new skills via gaming”. “Learn hacking while playing an interactive video game! An hacker is usually an individual with the skills to penetrate networks and/or computer systems, using the same methods as a hacker, for the purpose of finding and fixing computer security vulnerabilities. Unauthorized hacking (i.e., gaining access to computer systems without prior authorization from the owner) is a crime in most countries, but penetration testing done by request of the owner of the targeted system(s) or network(s) is not. (Note: This game is not penetrating any computer system; it’s an emulation of penetrating real computer systems on a virtual world were Hacker lives and its environment) Actions of the players impact the world that Kernel lives and become part of its history. The universe will change based on the players' actions and adventures allowing them to become part of the history of the hacking world, also any hacking process that the run will alter the time that they travel and missions envolved. As an example, players can hack into a year that the virus spread, find secret passwords, software, hardware and gather information about the disease.
Hacker also works with his army called the Hacking Army that controls Robots and machines, and with his team Coronel Alfred Jones and Thomas Cameron, fight and end the war between zombies and machines. Because we are fully simulating the hacking process and attack techniques, the actual components matter. If you don't find the computer codes, it will not let you go to the next level. Some levels of the game will introduce different hacking concepts; on different levels you will run the basic steps involved for hacking (Reconnaissance, Scanning process, Hacking Access, Maintaining Access, Covering Tracks) in a fun game adventure. #shooter #action #horror