
HAPPY FRIEND Source files
Made for #LD48
You have been presented with your first HAPPY FRIEND. He is currently unhappy. You know what to do. He only has two modes.
For now you only have access to the incisor(instructions included) and probe, given your lack of training and experience. Don't want to risk permanent damage to your friend now do we?
Don't worry too much though, we wouldn't give you something too delicate right away.
WADS control camera angle.
Q and E roll the Camera
R and F move forwards and backwards
V and C expand/shrink the Incisor.
Left Mouse Click to probe.
If you get stuck inside the head, rotate out of it, there's no collision detection when you rotate and I broke my camera rig trying to implement it so I left it as is.
Edited past deadline under the 'Typo' exemption. To fix the HAPPY SMILE.
Okay probably should have clarifiied: Once the mouth is in a full smiling position (corners of the mouth reaching the corners of the black block), you're done. I assumed putting in a win screen was bending the 'typo' exemption too far.