Comments (6)
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Nice game! I completed 9/20 mode: https://youtu.be/JD5ckbKdK94
this is a pretty good game
Five Nights at Treasure Island: Unofficial 9th Anniversary Game
Double click a camera to shut it off

"On December 1, 2014, Anart1996 would announce his FNaF fangame... "Five Nights at Treasure Island."" - Excerpt from The Radiance Team's FNaTI: Anniversary Edition
"Five Nights at Treasure Island: Unofficial 8th Anniversary Game" Is an unofficial game celebrating 8 years of Photo-Negative Mickey and his friends scaring players across the web (and launching the FNAF fangame industry as a whole!)
The Radiance Team: Current owner of the FNaTI Saga
AnArt1996: Creator of the FNaTI Saga
Saturn1AV: Sound Design, Concepts (at least some of it), Graphics,
Programming, Miscellaneous stuff
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence