Comments (8)
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My partner at Last Level Press just did a quick spotlight of this game in our latest Let's Play video. Didn't cover all the endings (we think), but gave it a little five minute rundown.
Mr. Black
Great job! Admittedly, I was a bit puzzled when I only saw a PDF file, but I'm glad it turned out pretty good. The drawings were adorable, too.
So simple and amazingly funny! xD
Haruta's Adventure: Doors of Trap Dungeon
Haruta's Adventure: Doors of Trap Dungeon - Quiz Mode -
The Quiz Mode based on the pdf game. You can earn trophy and submit highscore in this quiz mode.
You are Haruta Coldsky, a treasure hunter, who seek for treasures all around the world. One day, you found a Doors of Trap Dungeon. This dungeon contains several doors which decide your fate. Feeling that there is a treasure inside, you went inside. Your adventure has begun.
Note: You need a pdf reader (e.g: Foxit Reader 7.x, Chrome's built-in pdf reader, and Adobe Reader) to play it.