Comments (24)
Nice work DandDuy I enjoyed playing this ..
Here is my let's play..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhT0g3UAq-4
Hi there! I played your game and the jump scares really got me lol. The only problem I found in this game is that the mouse cursor is showing up for some reason when playing in windowed (I play it this way for recording purposes). I like your game but I wish there was more. Good job in making it though, just need to make some minor configuration. :)
I'll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/V42i9qsbPEc
I have to say, even though I knew the jump scares were coming I still managed to get scared by them. The graphics are simple and there really isn't any audio but that's one of the things that makes it scary. The game is so quit aside from your foot steps that when something does get it still makes you jump. The main point of the game is to traverse through an old tomb and find your way out but obviously its not that simple. All in all a simple little horror game and hope to see more from the developer. I did a quick video on my experience with the game if anyone is interested.
I have not played it yet, but i will be recording it onto my channel, the game looks really good from the pictures :)
I made a video of this one here
A short horror game in that you are in a ancient tomb. You must find a way to escape by opening gates and collecting some items.
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