Comments (373)
Ok, but like, everyone hear me out. What if: They put out merch. Not too much, but imagine a plain white tshirt or hoodie with a heart on the sleeve. How amazing would that be? Not only is it a beautiful idea, but it also will act as a reminder for us, a reminder that we are the people who can change the world, we are there for other people, we will always be able to help another person in need, no matter who they are and what their situation is. Who else would like HaH merch?
This was abseloutly Heart breaking... I NEED MORE!!!
That was an amazing game. Though i want to know if there will be a sequel, since teal is teased at the end.
I loved playing this game, but i wanna get the trophies. I entered my usernamed and game token several times and it doesn't seem to work. Help
Hearts and Heroes - A Markiplier Fan Game
A Markiplier Fan-Game
Something brews in the darkness. They feed off pain and sorrow, twisting dreams into nightmares and dragging out ones deepest fears.
Luckily, there are those with the power to stop them. Each and every one of these heroes have something in their heart that can shine through that darkness and reach out to others.
And amidst these heroes is a leader, one who shines brighter than the rest in order to call all heroes together and drive out the dark.
Production Started on June 23rd 2015
Production Finished on August 11th 2017
Hearts and Heroes is an RPG style game created in RPG Maker VX Ace. It is a mainly story driven game with battle elements.
Estimated Play Time: 5 - 6.5 hours
~Original Story
~Custom Art
~Custom Music
Use the arrow keys to move.
Interact with Space/Enter or Z.
Run with Shift.
Enter menu with Escape or X.
You can also exit the menu with X.
Enter/Exit full screen with Alt + Enter.
You can contact us on our Twitter: team_h_and_h
Or email us at [email protected]
Check our tumblr blog from time to time for new info about the game!
Check out the original soundtrack!
Dino - the-tiny-king.tumblr.com
Laura - markipliergamegifs.tumblr.com
Morgan - m0rkl.tumblr.com
Jude - aohoshiart.tumblr.com
Catherine - crystalcatart.tumblr.com
Kaila - kailarocks19
Jeeyeon - climbing-class.tumblr.com
AJ - markle-sparkle.tumblr.com
Spoonycorn - spoonycorn.tumblr.com
Grace - markiplier-reaction-posts.tumblr.com
-RPG Maker VX Ace Sounds Resources
-Sound Effects Zone
-Fnaf Game Sound Files
-Vanish Game Sound Files
-Amnesia Game Sound Files
-SCP Containment Breach Game Sound Files
-Undertale Game Sound Files
-Markiplier Youtube Videos
Game Scripts
-Galv's Shop UpgradeV's Custom Animated Title Scene
-Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Message System v1.05
-Khas Awesome Light Effects
-Galv's Menu Themes Engine
-Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Save Engine
-Basic Options Menu - By V.M. of D.T.
-Proximity Detection Script - By V.M. of D.T.
-Yanfly Engine Ace - State Animations v1.01
-Sliding Puzzle Game - By Raizen
-Galv's Invader Mini Game
-CP Keyboard Input script
-Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine
-Element EX - By AdiktuzMiko
-Yanfly Engine Ace - Victory Aftermath
-Galv's Variable Timer Functions
-Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Status Menu
-Pre-Skill Effects - By Hime
-State Graphics - By Neon Black
-TheoAllen - A* Pathfinding
-Basic Enemy HP Bars Lite - By V.M. of D.T.
-"Stay-In-Range" Mini-Game - By Sixth
-Mini-Game Base - By Sixth
-EFE's Request Script
-JSON Encoder/Decoder - By game_guy
-Game Custom Data - By AdiktuzMiko