Comments (1)
Loving the simplicity of things; the graphics, the controls... Combat is easy to pick up, but surprisingly challenging. Should definitely look at making this into a larger game. Missions perhaps? Even something as simple as ''Collect this item'' or ''destroy this specific ship'' would make it more interesting. Either way, amazing job.
Heavens Raven
WARNING: The game contains bright flashes that might cause epeleptic seizures.
Heavens Raven is an experiment five games in the making. In-game, you fly around, destroy enemies, and buy upgrades. Later on, I hope to add more upgrades, money carrying over after you die, many more enemies, and an endless background.
Left and Right arrow keys to bank left and right
Left and Right arrow keys + Down arrow key to bank sharply left and right
Up arrow key to speed up
Up arrow key + Z key to go quite a bit faster
Space to fire/buy stuff at space station
Z to exit space station
F4 to toggle fullscreen
Mild Cartoon Violence