
Comments (7)

What do you think?

to anyone reading this i apologize for the small amount of gameplay. i was gonna add a lot more in to it to make it more interesting but no matter where i took the game i got little to no support so sadly i had to cancel it.

What are the controls?

cool intro


Hells Gate

Version: 1.0.0about 9 years ago

In a time where evil is spread across the land, hope is bleak. Villages are plagued by disease, death and famine are felt by all. In a worn down castle to the north is an emerging evil long since forgotten. Long ago a young hero fought against those who dwell below. In doing so he lost himself. Too dangerous the be let into heaven or hell, he was locked away in the alternate realm. But now the bonds of his chains are breaking and you have been drawn to the castle. What brought you to this place? Did you come here to be a hero? Or were you drawn here by greed, the desire for power? Do you wish to close the gate of the alternate realm? Or will you fall into darkness like the hero before you? the choice is yours to make.

I guess I should explain the flaws of the game. this game was made before I even knew a little bit of GML. EVERYTHING in this game was done with drag and drop, As a result although it should run fine on most pc's it will not run on potatoware. also the gameplay isn't as slow as the videos show, I have a bad recording software. Also there are some glitches in the HUD. also the pink circle was originally going to be a rage meter, you would charge it by getting kills and you can use it to get a temporary surge of power (the more full it is the more powerful and length). unfortunately this game was cancelled before I could add it in. also I was going to have a total of 12 characters instead of 4. Next I am going to explain the differences between each class.
Attack - Very High
Speed - Very Low
Health/Stamina Regen - Very Low
Magic - Very Low
Health: Very High
Range: Close
Special 1 - Dark Thrust
Special 2 - Dark Magic

Attack: Very Low
Speed - Very High
Health/Stamina Regen - Very High
Magic - High
Health - Very Low
Range - Very Close
Special1 - Throwing Knives
Special2 - Inferno

Attack - Low
Speed - Low
Health/Stamina Regen - Low
Magic - Low
Health - High
Range - Very Far
Special1 - Flaming Arrow
Special2 - Soul Arrow

Priest -
Attack - High
Speed - High
Health/Stamina Regen - High
Magic - Very High
Health - Low
Range - Med
Special1 - Fire
Special2- Divine Light
This is an incomplete and CANCELED game. it is forever at the demo stage and can only be played up to the first boss.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!