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Heroes Of Vandar Clicker Sytle RPG
Heroes of Vandar is a Clicker type game with Rpg Element
its a clicker RPG game wont have high numbers like all other clicker games
will have more customizetion for heroes and main hero
Main Hero
Clicking Damage will be base on main Hero Attack Damage if hero dies
you will do Half Click Damage While he is Dead. till he revives
They do attack your heroes and heroes will die but will revive after a period of time.
They Grow Stronger with Every Level you Complete
Holy and Dark SOULS
you will gain holy or Dark Souls every 5 main hero lvs might change depending on your class you pick
that will increase your heroes damage and HP for every soul you have.
Souls 10% increase might change.
Bosses and Special Bosses
every 5 levels boss fight and with a 25% to fight a Special boss that will reward you
with holy or dark soul and must be beaten with in a time limit this boss
will have very high HP and will grow Stronger every time you defeat it.
Player Classes
Two Classes you can pick are Paladin or Necromancer
Paladin gain Holy souls and Necromancer Gain DarkSouls
each with there own Type of Heroes they get to summon to help fight.
Each hero you will be able to upgrade Stats like HP, MP, STR, CON, WIS, INT, CRIT, CRITRES,
DODGE, HIT, with Attributes Points (AP) DEF will not be upgradable
also heroes Will gain Exp and AP from Defeated Enemies and will not gain EXP if Dead
Heroes Level only Affects Damage to Enemies the higher you are the more you will do the same for the enemies. Max Level 100 for now
30 types of monster
bosses are just bigger verison and stronger
Each Heroes will be able to Equip
Weapons, 2 Rings, Necklace.
all in which will have random Stats or Fixed Stats havent decided yet.
Gain Gold, Exp, AP, SOULS and Gear,
you lose all heroes and gold you keep all Holy or Dark Souls
and enemies Grow little Bit Strong With every ASCENSION.
about 25% increase might Change
made with UNITY3D and OrkFrameWork Rpg Engine
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence