
Comments (7)

What do you think?

A good looking, attention attracting thumbnail. Visually the game is clearly inspired by 90ies arcade machine games or Commodore 64 games, and the retro feeling of the game is absolute, created by a consistent retro style in music, sound effects and visuals. Character design conveys all that is needed for the player to undterstend with almost as little details as possible. The music creates a magical, adventurous and action like atmosphere just as it should. On the down side, sometimes enemies are killed within the wall and it is impossible for the player to get to the remaining loot. Overall great work :-)

I like the art style of the game :D

I really appreciate this. The classic feel, the "Wave" level system, the choice of characters. It's all very retro, and I love it!

I'm sure as the development of the game goes on we may see more updates in the vein of where I'm thinking here, but I'd love to see some kind of shop system, where the coins you pick up during a playthrough can be spent on upgrades before diving back into a new game.

I also got cut a bit short in my playthrough because enemies stopped spawning randomly. Not sure if that's because of where I happened to be stood when I killed the last enemy on the screen, or had something to do with the Waves carrying on even though there were sometimes one or two enemies left on a screen, but again, I know it'll be something on the radar!

This game is definitely worth digging into if you want to have a swish and a swipe at some random bad guys and see how long you can last! I'm looking forward to seeing what future updates bring =)


Heroes Might

Version: 0.2.0over 5 years ago

Holding a sword does not make you a hero. A heroes might is born in battle. Each hero must prove themselves worthy of the title.

Are you worthy? Choose your class and what items you'll pick up. Test your might in the gantlet.

About Heroes Might

Made in three days, Heroes Might is an arena game. You will fight through waves of enemies and be rewarded at the end of each fight.

Currently, you can choose from three fighter: Paladin, Wizard, and Ranger. Each have a unique attack and magic ability.

You also don't have to unlock anything - all modifiers (Loot) are available to you. Loot will increase your character stats and provide bonuses. But beware, the greedy die faster.

There are 10 rooms with 10 waves each.

Early Access

Game is incomplete. Here are a list of future updates:

-Bug fixes
-More Classes
-More loot
-Mobile Version
-Game play balancing
-Game pad support

#action #arcade

Mild Fantasy Violence

I can't sleep soooo....... I thought I'd tease the new graphics, music and gameplay. The Heroes Might update is coming along nicely. I have 2 artist + myself working on graphics and I commissioned a very talented fami-tracker composer.


I thought I'd give a quick update to the game. I'm re-doing it and hopefully building for the NES. I have an musician working on a soundtrack and an artist helping with backgrounds. Here are some screens of the current progression.

What I'm hoping to achieve with Heroes Might.

Game has been updated. New title screen options and graphics, save feature and boss battle. It was already free. but I marked it free. So yey!

I was going to update the game with the new final boss yesterday, but decided to add the auto save and continue function first. I'm working on that now.